iCal 1.0 for Windows95/NT ---------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. What is iCal? 2. Installation 3. Tutorial 4. Why Register? 5. Disclaimer 1. What is iCal? ----------------- iCal is a Calendar/Scheduler that can be used for scheduling meetings, events, vacations, menus, or just about anything else. It's easy to use too: your calendar and all of the entry screens are on the web. iCal can be used immediately as your company/corporate calendar. Just start running it, and everyone in your company can see it! There is also a built-in security system so that you can limit who changes your calendar. iCal is a new type of application; built exclusively for the web. Companies are using the web to change the way they do business, iCal will help you leverage the web for your business. 2. Installation ---------------- iCal is distributed as a zip archive file. Once you have unzipped the file, iCal is ready to execute directly from the folder you dropped the files. No futher installation is required. If you would like to make a shortcut on your desktop for iCal, open up Explorer, go to the directory that you unzipped iCal to, then drag the file iCal.EXE onto your desktop. To start iCal, double click on the iCal.EXE program from Explorer, (or on the shortcut that you created). Note: If you have any web servers running on your computer, you will need to either disable them, or change the port that iCal uses. To change the port that iCal uses, go to the Listener tab and change the Port field to a number greater than 80. To make iCal available to web browsers, click on the Status tab, then click the Start Server button. iCal is now up & running! 3. Tutorial --------------------- After installing iCal, bring up your web browser, and type in the URL: http://localhost Note: On some computers with dial-up access to the Internet, you may get no respone when you type in the above URL. If this happens, try connecting to the Internet first, and then re-trying the above URL. This will bring up the on-line Tutorial, which will give you some information on using iCal. The Tutorial will also show you how to customize your calendar and how to setup security for your calendar. 4. Why Register? ----------------- The shareware version of iCal is limited to 10 events per month and two calendars. * The individual registration has unlimited events per month. The professional registration has unlimited events per month, and also lets you have any number of calendars. * You will be entitled to one year of free upgrades. * You will feel better. (maybe) Actually, I really believe this is true. * You can contact me for any support questions you might have. The best way is to send Email to the address given below. So how do you get a registered version of iCal? Simple: METHOD 1: Send either $35 (individual) or $95 (professional) plus $2 shipping and handling ($5 for international shipping and handling) along with name and mailing address to: Brown Bear Software 1231 Redwood Ct. Anchorage AK 99508 METHOD 2: Email. By this method we will simply email you the latest registered version. Just send an E_Mail message to: mikeg@alaska.net Please include includeyour Visa, MasterCard, or American Express card number, the name as written on the card, and the expiration date. There is a registration form under the on line Help Menu. Note: E-Mail is not 100% secure. If you use this method, you should ZIP your credit card information and include it as an E-Mail attachment. METHOD 3: Call Brown Bear Software at 907-278-1231 (This is in Alaska) From Europe I am sorry to say I can not cash Eurocheques, as banks here want to charge me $35 for handling. 5. Disclaimer ---------------- Brown Bear Software, the author of Adr_Book, hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall the author's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software. 6. Brown Bear Software ----------------------- We appreciate registrations, but also please E-Mail us with any questions or comments you may have. Thanks for taking a look at iCal! Michael Gardner Brown Bear Software 1231 Redwood Ct. Anchorage AK 99508 email: mikeg@alaska.net web site: http://www.brownbearsw.com phone: (907) 278-1231 ...September 14, 1997